
Our Children are Our Humanity



Mission & Values

We are dedicated to providing opportunities for all young people to empower their lives.  We strive to create the best world, and we thank all who help us to achieve that.

We were founded by Thảo (a child during the 1975 Vietnam war, whose parents had no choice but to emigrate from their privileged life in their native land) who grew up to appreciate human rights and values even more. Thảo began her charitable work by serving the communities through health & fitness in her early years in America in 1985 and later by serving the public as self-esteem/life coach.  Since her deep research into true agendas of wars, religions, health, law, her passion is now focused on providing children and anyone in need of spiritual care of their mental and physical health.

Our Team

The members of our team are consciously connected and passionate to protect the children.  This is human race's most important battle; it will end when all of the truly good people unite.
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