Imagine the world without the suffering, the evil ....
we can make it so, but only TOGETHER.
We measure our impact we make on the community, on the people, and especially the young with follow-up reports, data, and feedback. As a community interest company, we pride ourselves for our transparencies in our steps to carry out our objectives.
Any work or service (marriage, prostitution, etc.) that people are forced to do against their will under threat of punishment. Forced labour has been around since the beginning of time but re-termed "modern slavery." In 2016 it is estimated that the world has over 40 million modern slaves. How can we quietly accept this? In the name of humanity, we must not turn a blind eye.
The practice of removing usable organs from the dead (abortions) or from the living against their will. Fortune making industry throughout the world. How money corrupts! Yet we the people can move mountains if we stand up to destruction of individuals including genital mutilation. Isn't it our inalienable right to live as we choose, be free as we should, be sheltered as we wish... as long as we abide to 2 universal laws... 1) do no harm 2) love thy neighbour.
A crime in recruiting, moving of people by the use of threat, force, fraud, or abuse of the weak and vulnerable for exploitation. All ages and backgrounds fall victim of this atrocious act. This, too, has been around since the beginning of time. Trillions a year profit making industry. Isn't human trafficking the real pandemic on Earth?
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